10 Ideas & Accessories to Reorganize Any Size Custom Garage

Mike Beard • Sep 14, 2020

Is your garage so cluttered your car no longer fits? Although a garage’s main purpose is to house your car, it often becomes a catchall for lawn equipment, sports gear, automotive tools, cleaning supplies and garbage and recycling bins, and other items that don’t fit in your house. 

Reorganizing may seem daunting but custom garage solutions help you utilize the space efficiently so you’ll have room for everything - especially your car. 

Here are some ideas and accessories to transform any size garage into an organized and functional space.

1. Clear Out the Clutter

Before you reorganize, you need to start with an empty garage. Remove everything currently in your garage so you can see what you have. You’ll want to ensure you have a spot to move all of your garage items. Using your driveway or yard is ideal but renting a temporary unit is an alternative.

Take inventory of everything in your garage and divide objects into four categories: 

  • Keep - Items in good shape and you use on a regular basis.
  • Donate/Sell - For items you no longer use or want but are still in working order, donate to a charity or sell.
  • Relocate - Some items don’t necessarily belong in the garage but landed there by default.  Move those items to more appropriate spots in your house.
  • Trash/Recycle - Throw away broken items and properly dispose of expired chemicals. Recycle any empty boxes, old newspapers, and plastic containers. 

When deciding whether to keep an item or not, a good rule is to get rid of anything you haven’t used in at least one year.

2. Group Similar Items Together

Organized Tools

Once you know what items you want to keep, the next step is to sort like items together. Grouping your items helps you determine how much space you will need. For example, you might have the following categories: automotive, sports equipment, gardening, seasonal decorations, etc.

Keep in mind, some items should never be stored in a garage: paint, propane tanks, paper goods, and pet food. Move these items to more appropriate spots in your house.

3. Create Garage Zones

How you organize your garage will depend on the size and your specific needs. After grouping items, you’re ready to make a reorganization plan for your garage. 

To ensure that your car fits in your garage, you need to determine how much space it requires. Pull your car into the garage and open the car doors. Mark the area with chalk or tape. 

To maximize the storage potential, create zones for groups of items such as automotive, sports equipment, gardening, recycling, workspace, etc. Zones help you determine the best way to organize items in a way that makes sense.

Once you have the zones, you can start mapping out a plan for the garage by assigning zones to different areas in the garage. Arrange items based on use. If you use an item frequently, you don’t want it to be in a hard-to-reach area.

If possible, try to avoid using the floor. If you need floor space for heavy items, move them to the back corner, away from your car. 

4. Maximize the Vertical Space

Utilizing your walls for storage clears the floor for your car. A wall system not only creates more usable space, but it also gives you easy access to the items that you frequently use. 

Slatwall panels are a great choice for a wall system because they are simple to use, durable, easy-to-clean, and waterproof. Slatwall gives you flexibility depending on how much stuff you have to store. The slatwall can cover all of your walls, one wall or even a section of a wall. They can also be removed or added if your storage needs change. 

By using a variety of moveable, hanging accessories such as baskets, bins, and hooks you can create a custom garage solution to store almost anything. 

5. Install Storage Cabinets

Custom Garage Cabinets

Storage cabinets help you make better use of your garage walls and offer more storage options to keep things organized and protected from dust and dirt. 

Consider getting cabinet doors with locks to store cleaning supplies, chemicals and other hazardous and materials. 

You can install garage cabinets anywhere on the walls including all the way up to the ceiling. Store items you don’t use as often such as seasonal decorations in the higher cabinets and frequently-used items lower down so you have instant access. Make sure to mount cabinets off the floor to avoid water damage.

Cabinets not only help maximize space but they also give your garage a less cluttered, clean look. Your garage will also appear bigger. 

6. Move Storage to the Ceiling

Maximize your garage space by using overhead storage. Installing ceiling mounted storage racks enables you to use every square inch of your garage to meet your needs. The storage racks can also be adjusted for height. 

Ceiling racks are perfect for storing items you don’t use frequently, want to keep away from children, or take up a lot of space. Items commonly stored on the ceiling include seasonal decorations, snow tires, canoes, bikes, storage bins, and boxes.

Decide which items you plan to store on the ceiling before purchasing ceiling racks so you can make sure to get racks with the right weight capacity. The last thing you want is to have an item fall from the ceiling onto your car.

7. Add a Workbench

If you are someone who enjoys working on do-it-yourself projects, a workbench is a great garage storage solution. Workbenches come in many sizes and in a range of materials including wood and stainless steel. A smooth, flat surface gives you room to build. For more storage, add drawers or cabinets to your workbench. The ideal spot to place a workbench is in a corner of your garage.

8. Consider a Tool Chest

Garage Tool Chest

If you collect tools, you may want to buy a tool chest to keep them organized and accessible. Rolling tool chests are ideal for storing different types of tools.

9. Hang Wall Hooks

Wall hooks come in a variety of sizes and are great for maximizing your wall space. Smaller hooks are great for keeping frequently-used items such as coats, gloves, extension cords, keys, and dog leashes close to the door. Use larger hooks for sports equipment and awkwardly shaped items such as lawn equipment. 

10. Use Storage Bins

Plastic storage bins with lids are essential to keeping your garage organized. Storage bins are great for tools or other supplies. To use your space more efficiently, use clear stackable bins. Using bins made of transparent plastic allows you to see what’s inside without opening the lid. 


Your garage can provide valuable storage as long as you take full advantage of the available space. There are many ways to keep your garage organized - from slatwall panels to cabinets to ceiling-mounted racks. With the ideas in this article, you can soon have a custom garage designed specifically for your needs.

Mike and Christy Beard
Company Owner

Mike Beard has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and career history in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. Combining his passion for organization and design with his experience in business management has allowed Mike to realize his dream of helping Memphis, TN homeowners organize their homes with effective and unique storage spaces.


Memphis Garage & Closets

Lakeland, TN 38002

(901) 446-1832

Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: 9am - 6pm (By Appointment)

Sunday:  9am - 6pm (By Appointment)

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